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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Race For the Cure 2010

This was my third year walking with Team Cal Fire in the Inland Empire Race for the Cure. Once again, the day didn't disappoint. Not only did I get to see some friends/co-workers outside of the navy blue uniforms, I also had part of my family with me this year! Brian, Katie, Peyton, Tyler and our friend Mindi joined the team with me.Of course my wonderful partner from work, Ali, was there along with our night shift buddy Clay.

I offered to make the cake/cupcakes for the team this year. At the time of the offer I expected about 75 people to join the team. Boy was I ever surprised when my team captain told me 176 people were on the team (not including last minute registration and kids). Holy cow! So my simple 75 cupcake plan turned into a 200 cupcake plan. It was a lot of time and work but everyone loved them. I was pretty happy with how they turned out. I used some of the cupcakes to make "cakes".

One wouldn't think that a couple boxes of cupcakes would be very heavy to carry. Mindi and I got their early to unload the cupcakes. We thought we could make it from the parking structure to the tailgate area no problem. I'm pretty sure a little elf made its way into those boxes, removed the cupcakes and replaced them with rocks because farther we walked, the heavier the boxes got.

Of course there is always an underlying competition or "Battle of the Badges" if you will between Law Enforcement and Fire Departments. For the last few years Riverside County Sheriff Department has beat us out in fundraising. This year we finally swept the floor with them raised more money than they did! It is a friendly competition that pushes our teams to raise even more money for the cause.

The weather was blissfully cool this year. Hallelujah! I wasn't looking forward to walking 3.1 miles in 85-90 degree weather.

It really was an incredible day. Every year it is a blessing to be part of the team and helping raise money to find a cure for breast cancer. I am hoping next year my WHOLE family *hint hint, wink wink* will join us.

Total Fundraising Achievements:
Personal: $375
Team: $8,048


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