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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day 2012 was mostly uneventful. The best surprise came that afternoon when there was a knock on my door. I was laying awake in bed, assuming it was the postal person so I was going to ignore it. The knocks kept coming so I got up and found my best friend and her 4 darling kiddos standing there with a Valentine's treat. Noah and Jack were still very excited about the parties they had at school and Lucy was her slightly she self. Jess apologized over and over for "waking me up" but I assured her she didn't (I swear! you didn't!!!). Even if they had, it was a perfect thing to wake up to. I just love those LaTours!

How cute is this?!?! She hand stitched that heart! Jess, you are uh-mazing! Jared and I each had one of those YUMMY cookies over coffee that afternoon.

I took the time to make my co-workers some sweet n salty Valentine's. I made "party popcorn". Recipe to follow in another blog. Super duper easy!

I was really wanting to make conversation heart cookies and experiment with piping slightly more inticate designs. I had a couple sweet people in mind while making these.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy 80th Birthday Nana!!

On Februrary 13th, Jared's Nana officially turned 80 years young. We had a small party for her on the 11th and she had a wonderful time. I cherish Ariel and Loretta (Jared's Grandmas). I miss mine desperately and I soak up every moment I can with these two.

Nana cracks me up. Everthing and everyone is "darling" and "precious". Nana will be your biggest fan, no matter what. She constantly tells me how cute I look in my work uniform. Only a Grandma could love you in head to toe Navy Blue :)

I think my favorite part of the day was watching Nana interact with her friends. She joked, laughed and talked about all sorts of things. Jared and I had the best time sitting back and watching her enjoy every minute of her day.

 There was lots of family to go around, including my parents. I love that my family and Jared's family have become close. It was a wonderful day celebrating a beautiful and loving woman!

Ali's Surprise

Ali is my partner at work and a dear friend. She started with Cal Fire in 2008. She became my partner in 2009 when she was permanently moved to night shift. From the moment we met (about 6 months before she started w/ the department), we were instant friends.

Our working relationship is unique. We help each other without even talking. She will answer my radio when needed, I will call someone for her when she needs me to. All without asking the other person to do it. It is pretty amazing.

We work 12 hour shifts so we spend half of our week together. During that time you are most likely going to get to know the other person quite well.

We've celebrated birthdays, her wedding, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and all of the holidays in between. We've talked about relationships and counseled each other. We've cried tears when she filed for divorce and we've stood by each other through it all.

Ali has had a rough couple of years. She's faced a marriage that lacked love and respect. She's had medical problems and gone through a divorce. Through it all she put on her brave face and road the roller coaster of life. She is one of the most loving, caring, giving and kindest people I know. She will put others before herself. Even if that means she must go without. She's hugged me when I cried and squealed with me during the good times. We make dinner once a week for our work crew, watch the Bachelor, Lifetime movies, Biggest Loser etc.

Ali has never really had good birthdays. Her ex-Husband forgot every year. It made her sad but she would just go with it. This year I wanted it to be different for her. She's been through so much and deserved a good birthday. I got into my planning mode and planned a surprise birthday party for her. She thought she was going to our friend's house for a "House warming party".  I was terrified that she would figure it out but somehow we all kept the secret from her.

When she arrived, we all yelled "SURPRISE" and told her it was a birthday party for her. She was speechless and had tears in her eyes. That made all of the planning worth it. We laughed ( a lot!!), played Wii bowling (Ali kicked our butts) and had tons of food. It was a great night!

Happy Birthday, dear Ali. I hope you know how loved you are!
Mini Chocolate Cupcakes made by Becki!

A special signature drink for the birthday girl

Ice Cream Sundae bar for dessert!!!

The birthday girl and I

The "ladies of the night"... and clay

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The 50/50 Plan Update: Week 4

This week was much better. I did ok with the no sweets policy. The one thing I am not giving up is my coffee creamer. I don't like the sugar free stuff... yuck!

I did "oops" one night with the no sweets. I sat down on the couch with an It's It and enjoyed every bite. Literally the minute I finished the ice cream it hit me.. duh Shannon! no sugars. Woopsie Daisy! Oh well.

Overall I had a great week. Logged some miles at the gym and on the road, drank more water and looked to God for strength in getting fit.

Starting weight: 191.3
Final weight: 188.8
Total Loss: 2.5 lbs (cue happy dance!)

Total lost so far: 7.2lbs!!