Weight Loss progress

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The 50/50 Plan Update: Week 4

This week was much better. I did ok with the no sweets policy. The one thing I am not giving up is my coffee creamer. I don't like the sugar free stuff... yuck!

I did "oops" one night with the no sweets. I sat down on the couch with an It's It and enjoyed every bite. Literally the minute I finished the ice cream it hit me.. duh Shannon! no sugars. Woopsie Daisy! Oh well.

Overall I had a great week. Logged some miles at the gym and on the road, drank more water and looked to God for strength in getting fit.

Starting weight: 191.3
Final weight: 188.8
Total Loss: 2.5 lbs (cue happy dance!)

Total lost so far: 7.2lbs!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got to be better about the sweets too. Its such a weakness!