Brian and Katie
I was nervous. Terrified.
I got to their house bright and early Friday morning to get a briefing and shove them out the door. Peyton was a trooper when they left. Not a single tear.
I put TJ in his swing and Peyton in the bath tub. I tell you, it is good exercise running back and forth between the bathroom and the living room. Now, before any of you think I left a 2 yr old unattended in a bath tub, I didn't. The swing was strategically placed approximately 5-6 feet away from the bathroom. All I had to do was go a few feet to put the binkie back in TJs mouth. All the while keeping one eye on the little blondie in the bath tub.
We headed out to meet Jared and go to the Zoo. Thank GOD Jared went with me. Peyton likes to people watch and occasionally she would remove her hand from mine or Jareds' to get a closer look at the peculiar people walking by. I spent most of the day pushing the little peanut's stroller while he snoozed. Jared was the trooper that carried Peyton on his shoulders or hip while we climbed the hills. Although, I think that was partly his way of getting out of changing TJs diapers. He kept her entertained while I fed or changed TJ. I honestly would not have lasted an hour without him there.
I covered Peyton with sunscreen about 3 times that day. She wasn't going to get a sunburn on my watch!. She was great and did a good job walking most of the day. I took the kids on the adorable little train, just outside the front gates, while Jared took our cooler of lunch goodness back to the car. Peyton loved it. TJ? He could care less but atleast he didn't cry.
We generally see a little too much nature at the Zoo, Sea World and Wild Animal Park. Friday was no exception. While looking at some type of bear (brown? black? grizzly? not sure), it decided to use the "restroom" right in front of us. Peyton being a typical 2 year old shouted "the bear is pooooooping!". Awesome. We all know what one thing she will remember from this trip.
Peyton passed out about 10 minutes into the car ride and didn't wake up until I got back to Brian and Katie's house. She was a tad cranky during the evening but thankfully Uncle Jimmy and Auntie J came over to
Uncle Jimmy/Auntie J : "Peyton, what did you see at the Zoo today?"
Peyton: "a bear pooping"... see! I knew that's all she would remember!
After they left Peyton started asking for Katie. it was heartbreaking. She was crying and asking for "mama" and "daddy". I nearly sat down on the floor next to her and started crying. I refrained. Auntie Shannon put on her brave face and told her mommy and daddy were on a trip and she was having a special sleep over with Tee Tee (my nickname from my nieces and nephews) and TJ. Some how, that did the trick. Whew!
Once Peyton was in bed I had little peanut to deal with. I finished feeding him about 1030 so I was expecting a wake up cry around 230-3. I still wonder why I even tried to sleep that night. Oh, TJ was fine. He didn't make a peep. It was auntie that was so nervous and worried that I wouldn't hear him if he cried, that he would stop breathing or some other terrible thing would happen. I barely slept all night. I think I maybe got 3-4 hours max and it wasn't even a deep, restful sleep. I was relieved of my babysitting duties about 9am when Katie's mom, Sandy, came over.
Sandy: "Where did you go yesterday Peyton?"
Peyton: " the Zoo"
Sandy: " what did you see at the zoo?"
Peyton: "a bear pooping"
... oye.
I had a great time watching the kids! Two kids is certainly a handful. I've always respected moms before but you all just gained a whole lot more respect from me.
Your adventure reminds me of the time I was able to be thw single mother to Stephanie's 4 kids while she was on her honeymoon for 10 days! That was a crazy time. I definitely do not want to be a single mom!!
You are an amazing Auntie...and you did great! Thank you for being willing. Brian & Katie had a really good time, and I know they appreciate you more than you know :)
"A bear pooping."
I love kids. So honest. So funny.
And kudos to you for venturing out with them! Super Aunty!
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