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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Project Pay It Forward

I am starting something today. I loaded a starbucks card and I am going to mail it to a friend. Along with the card will be a note with instructions. This is what it will say:

"Dear Friend,

   You came into mymind today and I thought how nice it would be to sit down, have a cup of coffee and catch up on life. Although we live far apart, you are never far from my mind. I have chosen you to be part of "Project Pay It Forward". Here's how it works:

1) Take this Starbucks card and buy yourself (or someone else) a cup of coffee, on me
2) Add $5 (more if you want) to the card
3) Write your name, city and state on the back of this letter, in one of the slots
4) Mail the card and letter to a friend that lives in a different city than you

The idea is to bless as many people as possible and reach all the way across the United States with one card.. In the end, the card and letter will return to the person that started it. "

This may or may not work but I thought it might be fun to try. When the card gets back to me, I will post all of the cities and states that the card traveled to.

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