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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Finish Chelsea's Run 2012

This was my second year running the "Finish Chelsea's Run" 5K. Last year it was my first 5K race, ever. Prior to that I had never run. Especially not 3 miles.

I was pumped and ready to beat last year's time of 35:58. I met up with Michelle, Preston and Crystal before the start. The crowd this year was easily twice as big as last year. Maybe even three times.

I hydrated before the race... therefore I had to use the bathroom before the race. Victory #1 of the day... using a Porta Potty. (YUCK!).

We got to the start line later than we wanted to and the crowd just wasn't moving. The runners are supposed to start at the front, followed by the walkers, followed by the people with strollers. We ended up somewhere between the walkers and strollers.

I did a lot of bobbing and weaving around walkers and strollers. Up on the curb, down on the road, along the grass, onto the side walk, abrupt slow down due to a wall of people... I had fun though. I didn't beat my time. In fact, I was 3 seconds slower and got a time of 36:01. Oh well. The hill at the end was killer as usual and I pushed hard the last .10 to beat my time but it just didn't happen. I felt great during the race and I am very proud of myself. I know tha tif we had started more towards the front, I would have beat my time no problem. A year later, I still can't believe I am a runner. And training for a half marathon at that!

A couple other highlights of the day: My ear bud chord didn't get stuck on a cone like it did last year, this was CRystal's first 5K race and she did an amazing job! Michelle hasn't been training and hasn't really run in about a year but she pushed hard and did fantastic. Preston pushed both of his sons in a double jogging stroller yet finished before me... super dad!

I love that this is a tradition for Preston, Michelle and I!

I am standing funny... not sure why.

Crystal ran her first 5K that day. SO proud of her!!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Soooo sad I couldn't make it! Proud of you!! Love your blog, it inspires me! Love the 50/50 plan! Keep it up, friend!