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Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Last night I was asked what Memorial Day is. The technical definition is this:

me·mo·ri·al dayNoun

1. A day, the last Monday in May, on which those who died in active military service are remembered
What it really stands for is something so much more. So much deeper. It is a day to stop and remember, to be thankful and to be proud. Every military family sacrifices time with their loved one so that person may serve our great country and keep us safe.
For many (too many!) families, that hug or kiss before deployment will be the last one they will share for eternity. It is the last time they will utter the words "I Love You" to eachother in person.  Our service men and women walk into battle with their heads held high and they game faces on knowing full well this could be the last battle they fight. Memorial day is a day to honor all of those that have the willingness to fight and possibly die for our country.
So on this Memorial Day will you stop for a moment and honor those that have served and are currently serving?  Are you willing give thanks to God for those that defend our freedom and the families that sacrifice right alone with them?
Right here in this sacred moment, bow your head and give thanks with me.
P.S. I read this post the other day and it moved me to tears. If you have a few minutes, read it. It is a great tribute to our military and an eye opening glimpse into the lives of some military wives.

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