Weight Loss progress

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 111 Thru Day 114

Day 111:
I started a walking group on Thursday Mornings. The first week was a good turn out. 5 ladies (including myself) and 5 kids. We walked a little over 2 miles around Oak Tree Ranch. It was a good time of chatting and laughing. I am really looking forward to the weekly meetings. Oak Tree is the perfect place to walk. No traffic, fully paved. The kids can run up ahead or stay right with us and they are safe.

Day 112:
This is Collin. He is the son of Ben. Ben is a fire fighter with Cal Fire. Collin took to me immediately and was quite sad when I left. He had some pretty funny facial expressions.

Day 113:
We had a family breakfast at Brian and Katie's the day before easter. I think little Mister really loves his Uncle Jared.

Day 114:
Jared made me dinner on Easter Sunday. Yuuuuuummmyyyy!

Whew! All caught up ;)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 106 Thru Day 110

Day 106:
Someone really loves the swings at the park.

Day 107:
This is my friend's dog, Mouse, she's a sweetheart.

Day 108:
I love putting stuff together for my nieces and nephews. It was especially exciting to put together Tyler's very first easter Basket

Day 109:
My neoghbor, heather, came down to my apartment to help me decorate Easter Cookies. We spent a few hours decorating (and breaking) cookies and chatting. When the Bunny ears keep breaking off, you just go with it.

Day 110:
I made these Minnie Mouse Cupcakes for my co-worker's 30th birthday. She was so excited. They were Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes.

Day 98 Thru Day 105

Day 98:
Sometimes the yarn decides not to work with you. Sometimes it decides that every 2 feet it will get all knotted up. Sometimes I just want to take scissors and cut it to pieces.

Day 99:
The new Karen Kingsbury book is out. I finished it in a day and a half. it only took me so long because I had to sleep.

Day 100:
Cinnamon Rolls for Jared and his co-workers. I am thinking it was a good day at work for them.

Day 101:
April 10-16th Marked "National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week". aka Dispatcher Appreciation Week. Our Chiefs bought each shift a dozen Gourmet Chocolate Covered Strawberries from Shari's Berries. Oh Yum!

Day 102:
My lovely friend, Emily, sent me a "happy Spring" box full of goodies. She's awesome!

Day 103:
Best. Jellybeans. Ever.

Day 104:
Me neighbors dog, Balou, napping in my apartment. He's so darn cute.

Day 105:
Someone has a big appetite

Monday, April 25, 2011


Jared has wanted a cross tattoo for as long as I have known him. Longer really. So, when I found out a Cal Fire employee used to be a tattoo artist, I contacted him and asked what we would charge etc.

I really wanted to gift this to Jared for our 2 year anniversary in July but if you know me at all, I have the hardest time keeping secrets about surprises and things I am excited about. I held it in for maybe 24 hours, at most. He was so excited when I told him about it. We called Ben that night and made the appointment for the next day.

We got to Ben's house and they got to work right away.

I decided to watch the process and I have decided it is pretty cool. Ben made it looks so easy. At times it seemed like he was just coloring with a colored pencil.
I was afraid there would be a lot of blood or some gigantic needle that would put others to shame. Wrong. You couldn't tell if there was blood and the needle was unseen. Jared was a trooper. If it hurt, he didn't show it. He sat there and watched Ben but not once did he flinch. An hour and a half later, Ben was finished with the master piece

I know tattoos are a bit of a sensitive subject. Some people like them, others completely dislike them. Some people don't see the point. Regardless of how everyone else feels, Jared really likes it and I think it looks great. Maybe this will open the door for Jared to talk to his co-workers about God. Who knows.

Ben did a great job. It turned out better than we had both hoped.

13 Candles

Day 97:

My oldest Niece, Alissa, turned 13 on April 6th. THIRTEEN.

Lock the door, draw the blinds, dig the mote, release the guardian dragon, load the shot gun, install the additional 52 locks and throw away all of the corresponding keys... my niece is a Teenager. A TEENAGER!! How is this possible?!!? Wasn't she just born like 5 days ago? What happened to that blonde hair, blue eyed fearless little girl that used to ride in my shopping cart?.

She is now a horse riding, nail painting, giggling about boys,

Day 91 Thru Day 96

Day 91:
Another baby blanket under my belt and given to a mama to be.

Day 92:
Had a wonderful time celebrating the mommy to be, Amanda, her friends and family. So much pink at this baby shower!

Day 93:
My friend, Cory, is getting married in May. When I saw this shirt I immediately thought of him. Him and the guys at the station got a good laugh out of it. I know it is a ginormous pictute but I wanted you to see the "groom"s face on the shirt.
Day 94:
This is Jared's moms' cat, Taz. Don't let the face fool you. he is well fed and very loved.

Day 95:
"Oh, life is so rough..."

Day 96:
April 6th was the annual Burn Institute "Give Burns the Boot" boot drive. I hung out with my brother and his crew at the intersection of Lyons Valley Road and Skyline Truck Trail. Our Intersection alone raised about $2500

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear Grandma

My sweet, precious Grandma Covey,

How has it been 4 years since you left this earth and went to be with Jesus? How is it possible that I miss you just as much today as I did 4 years ago?

So many memories have been coming back to me lately. Visiting you at your house on Walnut St as a kid and walking around the property with you and Grandpa. The horse named "Dino" that I always assumed was named after the Flinstones character, though I don't even know if that is true. Your deep love for animals showed in every aspect of your life. Including the time you snuck back to Colorado to find the cat that had been left behind. Nevermind nearly dying on the way to California due to a severe allergy attack. You just had to go back to get that cat. (You're still grounded, by the way). You were so excited when I taught Molly how to give High-Fives. In typical Winnie Covey fashion, you spoiled her rotten by giving her treats every.single.time she did it.

You taught me how to sew crocheted granny squares together. A task that has enabled me to bless many people with blankets for their new babes. Thank you for that. Had it not been for you, I would have hundreds of granny squares laying around my apartment. Some maybe even doubling as coasters. I still have some of the yarn you left. I haven't brought myself to use it yet. Some of it still smells like you.

You tried to introduce me to every single Paramedic, male nurse or doctor you came in contact with. "Have I told you about my Granddaughter" was your catch phrase. You always wanted me to meet the right man and fall madly in love. I know you prayed for me every day. Your prayers have been answered Grandma. How I wish you could meet Jared and see how happy he makes me. I hope the Lord will give you just a tiny window to look down and see us together. Just a small glimpse of how faithful prayer will be answered in God's timing. I still have the hope chest you gave me. I treasure it. I will never get rid of it.

Sometimes I stop by your picture on my wall and just stare at it. You were so beautiful. I'm sorry if I never told you that. You were the best Grandma in the whole world. I helped my mom pack up some of your stuff this year. Man, you were a pack-rat. But that was just one more thing we all loved about you. Mom and I had some good laughs going through your stuff. Many times I got choked up and had to stop what I was doing. It was so final.

I am thankful you are in Heaven with Grandpa George, Ernie, and Fred. I will see you again someday. I miss you being here on earth but I don't miss seeing you in the pain. You are pain free and that makes me so happy. I hope you know you are not forgotten, ever. I love you so much.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Bigger Winner-Final

Well my results were less than stellar. I am disappointed, to say the least. During the 6 week competition I only lost a grand total of  4.4lbs. Hardly anything to write home about. I did, however, lose 2 inches on my hips and about 4-5 inches on my waist.

When it comes down to it, weight is just a number. An evil, green eyed monster that pesters you day in and day out. A number that changes daily and varies depending on what scale you are on. It is frustrating and aggravating.

I guess in the long run what we all really strive for is losing inches, fat and getting healthier. I know for sure I gained muscle during this last 6 weeks and I absolutely lost some inches. As disappointed as I am about the lack of LBS I lost, I know I worked hard during the whole 6 weeks. I met my 2400 calorie burn almost daily. That's something to be proud of.

So, as much as I wanted to cry at 5am this morning when I stepped on that blasted scale, I didn't. I refuse to get down about this. I know I worked hard, I know it is making a difference and I know if I keep going, it will continue to make a difference.

I think my body got complacent after the first few weeks. I started doing the same exercises weekly. Occasionally I did something different and pushed a little harder but overall I stayed about the same. I thought I was good to go because I was burning calories and meeting my calorie burn goal. By the end I was basically just maintaining my weight.

Now I have my game face on, a new plan that includes intervals and more strength training. I can do this. I will do this.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Running Pineapples

My friend Staci approached me about participating in the Pineapple 5K Fun Run. The "fun" part is actually an obstacle course. What are the obstacle you ask? Beats me! We won't find out until the day of.... as in when we run up to it, then we will know what the obstacle is. How in the world am I supposed to train for that? Regardless, I am pretty excited about it.

I've been working out a lot and I finally feel like I am back into the groove of things. On occasion my choices of food haven't been great but no one is perfect, right? I pray a lot about this whole getting into shape thing. I heard Joyce Meyer once say " tell God you will do the work but He's got to do the rest". So, I have been working hard and eating well (most of the time) and I am slowly seeing changes. I know God is with me, even in this. Sometimes I put God in a box and forget He is in these little things. I forget that I am His daughter and He cares about every aspect of my life, not just the "big" things.

For a while I lacked motivation to get back into working out and ditching the last 20 or so pounds. My motivation was revived when my sweet friend, Michelle, asked me if I wanted to do The "Finish Chelsea's Run" 5K in March. Shortly after I started training, the announcement was made that my gym would be holding another Biggest Winner Contest. This happens to be the last week of the contest. I was praying about what to do next. I needed another goal, something else to work towards and accomplish. A day later Staci e-mailed me about the Pineapple Run. I was hesitant when I heard there would be mud and obstacles but when I found out the run benefits the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, I couldn't resist. You see; my sister in law's younger sister, Kayla, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in March. This cause touches close to home.

I set a goal to raise $300. In these times and in this economy, that may be a little on the high side but I think about this... I have 300+ friends on facebook so if everyone gives $1, that goal can be reached.
If you can spare $1, here's the link. If you can't, no biggie!
Donate Here.

Oh and if anyone wants to come out and support me, I would LOVE that. It will be a FUN event with a Luau afterwards. Staci and I would love to have a cheering section. You can purchase tickets for the Luau at the event. There will be food, drinks and traditional hawaiian food. The event takes place near San Diego Bay.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blogging Madness

Over the last year or so I have started following more and more blogs. Most of them have something to do with baking or cooking. These women are all amazing and I wonder, how in the world, they have time to raise a family, bake some incredible desserts and blog just about every day. How??

My blogging is sporadic, at best. There's nothing consistent about it. In fact, I do a lot of blogging while I am at work. It is currently 1:21am and I am sitting in the dark at my work station typing away. My days off are so full of stuff... although it is hard to ramble off a list of things I did when someone asks. My brain is mush these days. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I work an average of 200+ hours a month? Noooo. It couldn't be. **whoops... tangent, back to the topic at hand**

Every.Single.Blog. I follow is inspiring to me in some way. I have flound some pretty amazing recipes and ideas on these blogs. I thought I would share some of them with you. I don't know any of these women personally but they feel like friends. They share their joys, frustrations and lots of laughs. I hope some of them can inspire you like they did me.

Tidy Mom
Bake at 350
Sweet Sugar Belle
I am Baker
I am Mommy
Food For my Family
Bluebonnets and Brownies
Little Bitty Bakes
Eat Live Run

Day 84 Thru Day 90

Day 84:
Katie, the kids, and Jessica came over one morning for coffee. Tyler decided his toy of choice would be these plastic breast cancer walk bracelets. Silly boy.

Day 85:
Over the weekend we celebrated the birthdays of Jimmy and Alissa. I made special cupcakes for both of them. Cupcakes for Jimmy:
Day 86: Cupcakes for Alissa. She was pretty specific with what she wanted for the flavor. Chocolate with chocolate chips in it. So I made them with her favorite color, purple, and put a chocolate cookie music note on the top.

Day 87:
Jared never ceases to amaze me. He came over to my place for a typical evening of dinner and TV but when I opened the door he had these in his hand. He got them "just because". 100 % sweet, 100% a surprise 100% Jared. I don't think I will ever get sick of fresh flowers.

Day 88:
One of my cats decided they liked the flowers too, as a snack...

They only got 2 of the 12 though ;)

Day 89:
I love that she always looks like she is smiling.
Day 90:
I went shopping for a baby shower gift on April Fools day. Jokes on me. I spent almost double what I had budgeted. When shopping for a new baby girl and being faced with hundreds of choices at Babies R Us, how can you possibly say "no" to something this cute?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 77 Thru Day 83

OK time to start getting caught up on my photo a day. heaven's to Betsy, how did I get so far behind? Oh that's right.. life. Well, Here goes:

Day 77:
I've been trying to eat really healthy but I was hurtin for some pizza. So I made my own healthy version at home with Flat bread, chicken, spinach, onion, feta and tomato sauce. It was delicious.
Day 78:
One of my computer montitors at work died. So, in professional fashion, my Captain put a note on it saying it was no longer working...
Day 79:

*sigh* I hate when that happens

Day 80:
Heaven in a bowl:

Day 81:
This is what the PB cups were for. I will share the recipe later.

Day 82:
 Today my oldest brother turned older  36. Wow. When did we grow up? I am so thankful for Jimmy. He's the oldest and the protector of Brian and I. He's quirky and a dork. Annoying and loving. Fun and goofy. he's my Big Brother and I love him.
Day 83:

This is Jared's perfect cupcake. He's counting the days until I make this recipe.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Falling Behind/Biggest Winner Halfway!

Oh dear... I am so behind on my blog. I haven't posted a picture since March 21st?!? I have a whole 10 days work of "Photo a Day" pictures to post, Oye. Where did my days off go?

In other news, last week marked the half way point in the "Biggest Winner Challenge" through Ramona Fitness Center. My goal was to lose 6 pounds in the first 3 weeks. That's 2 pound per week.. a healthy rate. Of course I would love to shed the 10 at a time like they do on "The Biggest Loser" TV show but that just isn't healthy for me.

As of the half way weigh in, I have lost 5.8 pounds. A mere .02 pounds from my goal. Someone told me I should just round that to an even 6. I might do that for my personal records but that is the official number for the competition. At the half way mark I have lost about 2 inches on my waist and about an inch on my hips. I am pretty happy with my numbers so far. It has been a lot of hard work but definitely worth it.

A lot of people have been asking me how I am staying motivated or how I got motivated in the first place. Well, one day I decided that I wasn't happy with how I looked and the only person that couldchange it was me. I didn't want to do some crash diet. No slim fast, no Atkins or South Beach, no Trim Spa or Hydroxy-cut. I simply wanted to eat the things I like and get moving. You know what? It has worked. I cut down the portions and I changed the way I cook things. I set small goals for myself like eat 2 additional servings of vegetable a week or walk for 10 minutes one time this week. The more I achieved those goals, the more excited I became and the motivation continued. Of course there are always those days where you don't want to do anything. On those days I made myself go anyway. Even if I did an easy walk for 5 minutes, I was there and doing something.

You know that saying "Mind over Matter"? It is so true. The biggest battle is getting yourself off the couch or out of the chair and doing something. Don't have money for a gym membership? Go walking. It's raining? Find an indoor workout online from Bob Harper or Jillian Michaels. The thing is, you will always find an excuse not to do something. I'm sore, I'm tired, I don't have time, I don't know what to do. Well, if you're sore drink a lot of water and get moving. Best way to ease the soreness is to get those muscles warm. If you're tired it is partially because you're not up and moving so you're losing energy. If you don't have time, wake up just 5 minutes earlier and start the day with a few jumping jacks or sit ups. And if you don't know what to do, use your resources online or the people you know that work out.

If I can do it, you can do it. It isn't easy. There are days when you want to quit. It is, however, rewarding. So like Nike says "Just Do It".