My friend Staci approached me about participating in the Pineapple 5K Fun Run. The "fun" part is actually an obstacle course. What are the obstacle you ask? Beats me! We won't find out until the day of.... as in when we run up to it, then we will know what the obstacle is. How in the world am I supposed to train for that? Regardless, I am pretty excited about it.
I've been working out a lot and I finally feel like I am back into the groove of things. On occasion my choices of food haven't been great but no one is perfect, right? I pray a lot about this whole getting into shape thing. I heard Joyce Meyer once say " tell God you will do the work but He's got to do the rest". So, I have been working hard and eating well (most of the time) and I am slowly seeing changes. I know God is with me, even in this. Sometimes I put God in a box and forget He is in these little things. I forget that I am His daughter and He cares about every aspect of my life, not just the "big" things.
For a while I lacked motivation to get back into working out and ditching the last 20 or so pounds. My motivation was revived when my sweet friend, Michelle, asked me if I wanted to do The "Finish Chelsea's Run" 5K in March. Shortly after I started training, the announcement was made that my gym would be holding another Biggest Winner Contest. This happens to be the last week of the contest. I was praying about what to do next. I needed another goal, something else to work towards and accomplish. A day later Staci e-mailed me about the Pineapple Run. I was hesitant when I heard there would be mud and obstacles but when I found out the run benefits the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, I couldn't resist. You see; my sister in law's younger sister, Kayla, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in March. This cause touches close to home.
I set a goal to raise $300. In these times and in this economy, that may be a little on the high side but I think about this... I have 300+ friends on facebook so if everyone gives $1, that goal can be reached.
If you can spare $1, here's the link. If you can't, no biggie!
Donate Here.
Oh and if anyone wants to come out and support me, I would LOVE that. It will be a FUN event with a Luau afterwards. Staci and I would love to have a cheering section. You can purchase tickets for the Luau at the event. There will be food, drinks and traditional hawaiian food. The event takes place near San Diego Bay.
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