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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm a Baking Gal

Months ago I heard Morgan Thomas on KSON talking about "Operation Baking Gals". It is an organization that sends cookies to men and women in the armed forces that are deployed. I finally took the leap this month to start a team and get baking! Team "Fire and Icing" is ready and waiting to make a gazillion cookies. (Thanks to Dan LaTour for the team name idea. He originally suggested it for my cake business but I already had a name for that. )

It sounds complicated to send stuff over seas but it really isn't!

(check out the FAQ section on the website for really good tips)

2.) Get some flat rate boxes at the post office (11.95 to ship no matter how much you stuff in it)

3.) Gather your Baking Supplies

4.) Bake

5.) Package and Ship

Easy as that! I have 4 people to send packages to. I am SUPER excited about it!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Sweet Moment

My neighbor's daughter, Raley, is the sweetest little girl. She was outside playing outside w/ another little girl and this is what happened when I was leaving for work tonight:

Raley: Are you going to work?
Me: Yep, I am
Little Girl: Where does she work?
Raley: she work for the fire department, she's a dispatcher
Little Girl: Cool!

I couldn't help but smile as I walked away. Feeling proud that I have the job that I do and that kids actually think it is a "cool" job.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

One Life, One Love.. One Year

A year can seem long yet seem so short. Jim and Jessica got married a year ago (tomorrow, Sept. 20). They are such a great couple. Always full of laughs, banter and most importantly, love.
Jim is my oldest brother. Sometimes we are so much alike it is scary. We used to fight a lot when we were kids. He's been through a lot in his life but he has become a stronger person because of it. He's pressed on and overcome some obsticles that would destroy most people and/or their family. Not Jim, though. He went back to school a couple years ago for massage therapy and graduated. I've never been so proud as the day I saw him walk up on the stage in his cap and gown. He's not just a brother though, he is one of my best friends. He's tall, strong and protective. I have to stay on my toes around him because he is always armed with some kind of joke. He does have a serious side that comes out when necessary. A serious side that loves his baby sister and wants to take care of her. I love seeing him with Jessica. His love for her runs deep and is unconditional. He's the happiest I've ever seen him.

Jessica is smart, beautiful, funny, creative and sincere. I'm so thankful to have her not only as a sister-in-law but sister. She makes my brother so happy. She loves him with her whole heart and it shows. Jessica knew from the start Jim had two kids. It was a lot for someone to take on but she did! I've sat their in silence watching her interact with my niece and nephew and I am constantly blown away. She loves them like her own. There are no words to express the gratitude I have for that. I love going to coffee with her, texting her at 3am when she is also at work, baking for family holidays. She is really an incredible person and our family wouldn't be complete without her.

Jim and Jessica met when they were in High School and both worked at the Wild Animal Park. They dated for a while but eventually grew apart. Years later they found eachother again, I believe on MySpace.

Jim had been in a previous relationship for years and was very unhappy. He loved his two children but didn't see marrying their mother just because of the kids. We supported him in that decision because we knew he was basically miserable. He certainly wasn't looking for a new relationship but Jessica had just unexpectedly walked back into his life. The love was instant for both of them. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled at the fact Jim had started dating someone so quickly after ending the other relationship. In the end though, they are perfect together.

One night Dad, Brian, Katie, Jim, Jessica and I went to the Padres game. I don't know how long Jim and Jessica had been dating but it was so fun to watch them. We were walking to our cars and they were playing around... Tickling eachother, laughing, pushing eachother off the curbs. Brian looked at me and said " It is so great to see them together. They bring out the fun, kid like side of eachother." I couldn't have agreed more.

Most say the first year of marriage is the hardest. Jim and Jessica have been through a lot but it has made them stronger.

Jim and Jessica: Continue to love eachother from the depths of your heart. You're a beautiful couple and a great example of love prevailing. Stay strong and look to eachother for comfort. I love you both beyond words. Happy First Anniversary!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wilderness Tales

Last week I thought it would be fun if Jared and I went to Mt. Laguna for a picnic. A friend of mine told me about Graffiti Rock. It sounds snazzy but really it is just a large turn out with one random picnic table. The view, however, is supposed to be breathtaking. It over looks Pine Valley.

We made the trek up the mountain only to find someone already occupying our spot. Ok fine, it isn't technically our spot but come on! I planned this date and I was excited about it. I wanted to kick them out of the area and tell them I thought of it first. We went with Plan B since it might have been slightly awkward to join the people already using the picnic table.

We continued up Sunrise Hwy to Desert View. It is a picnic area that over looks, you guessed it.. the desert. On the drive we joked about the number of trees and that maybe, just maybe, Sasquatch, a Yeti or some other terrifying creature lived among the foliage.

We found our destination without getting lost (a mirale in itself since I was driving), unpacked and settled into the quiet of our surroundings. The sunset was behind us so we didn't really get to see that. The desert was in front of us but trees were sorta blocking the view. The stars slowly appearing above us were really pretty though.

Jared pointed out the bats flying overhead and was fascinated by how small some of them were. Babies maybe? I secretly worried that one of them would decide to take up residency in my hair. The dusk slowly turned to night and visibility decreased. There was no moon that night. The darker it got, the creepier it got. Thoughts about our Sasquatch and Yeti conversation came screaming back to my mind. As did every.single.horror movie I've ever seen. People in ski masks, all black, freaky striped shirts... I wondered if anyone would hear our screams if something happened (Morbid, I know).Then is occured to me that we had food. Bears like food. Bears follow the scent of the food. I tried to just relax and enjoy the quiet.

Then we heard a noise. A screech, howl..s0mething ..
Jared: Did you hear that?
Me: Yes. Maybe a coyote?
Jared: Kinda sounded like an owl

We continued with our conversation then heard something else.
Jared: Did you hear that too?
Me: yeah
Jared: That kinda sounded like a screen door slamming shut
Me: We're outta here!

I've never packed up a picnic so fast! My nerves couldn't take it. I was sure some serial killer was on their way to claim one or both of us as their next prize. We got in my car and I hauled tail back down the mountain. Back to the city where there is civilization, lights, no bears, no mountain lions and no coyotes. We found refuge at the movie theater.

Regardless it was a great date night but I am thinking a trip to the Zoo or a County Park is about all the wilderness this girl can take.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


As I mentioned in my previous post, I met more of Jared's family on Sunday. They were all great but one stood out more than the rest.. his Grandma.

She's a tiny woman with curly hair and that wonderful, inviting "grandma smell". She gave Jared a good scolding when we walked in because she was, apparently, the last one to meet me. I couldn't help but laugh because that's exactly what my Grandma Covey would have done to me had to roles been reversed.

When I was leaving for work his Grandma wrapped me in a hug. My breath caught in my chest and tears sprang to my eyes. She pulled back and said "I am so happy for you and I am so happy for Jared". Her eyes were watery and sincere. She hugged me again and I found myself never wanting to let go.

My Grandma Covey passed away a little over 2 1/2yrs ago. She was on a mission to find me a nice guy. Even when she was having serious medical problems and had to go to the hospital, she was trying to set me up... Paramedics, male nurses, doctors etc. Somehow I always ended up as the topic of conversation. Lord only knows what stories she told them.

That moment with Jared's Grandma made me think about how happy Grandma Covey would be for me and how much she would love Jared. It also made me miss her more than I ever have in my life.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I enjoyed an afternoon with Jared's family on Sunday. Good Company, good food, good times. When I got to work I was super hungry so Jared's Mom, Lynn, and Stepdad, David, offered to bring the ECC "Ladies of the Night" some leftovers from the shindig. Now, if you know anything about dispatchers, you know we like to eat. So really, how could I refuse such a generous and tasty offer? I couldn't.

We chatted for a while..about work, life and of course.. Jared. :) David decided to tell Ali and Staci about the day the ECC staff called to grill ask him questions about this guy I had just started dating....

David: So Chief white called me up and I was thinking "what next"? Then he starts asking me 20 questions about Jared. (reciting the phone conversation):
Chief White: How Old is He?
David: 26
Chief White: Does he go to church?
David: yes
Chief White: Does he smoke?
David: No
Chief White: Does he have any tattoos?
David: No

Me:(interupting the story) Yes he does.
David/Lynn: He DOES?!?
(cue cricket sound)
Ali: (practically rolling on the ground laughing)
Staci: (laughing) way to throw him under a crew bus
Me: Guess I will be single tomorrow..
David/Lynn/Ali/Staci: (Still laughing hysterically)
Ali: (gaining some composure) you threw him under the bus big time!
Me:... oops

Why am I always the last one to get these memos? I do a great job putting my foot in my mouth on a regular basis without someone helping me along!
**Side note: I did tell Jared the story and he didn't break up with me (whew!). He simply laughed**

Monday, September 14, 2009


So I dove in and signed up at Twitter. I simply wanted to see what it was all about. Ummmm.... I don't get it. Am I supposed to get twitter updates from all 3 people I follow on twitter? Are the tweets (is that what they are called?) supposed to come to my phone? Maybe the 3 people I decided to stalk follow on Twitter haven't tweeted (huh?) lately.. Anyone know how this is supposed to work?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Plain Jane

How do these ladies get that fabulous wavy hair look??? I want to know! Ignore the fact that they have personal stylists at their beck and call 24/7 and that they are absolutely gorgeous. How does a Plain Jane like me get hair like that?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

At My Fingertips

Labor Day has passed, school has started, the heat waves have subsided a bit. I can feel everything changing and I know it is right at my fingertips. FALL. I love it. Everything about it...
Just a few more weeks until my favorite season is officially here.. I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Real Reunion

As much as I enjoyed my High School Reunion, there was another reunion planned that I was even more excited about....

The "BARF" Girls. (Boys Are Retarded Freaks). Sure, it is a silly name but it was who we were. If I remember correctly we weren't boy bitter (more like boy oblivious!). We came up with the name to make fun of another girl group in choir that were somewhat umm obnoxious..

We spent every.single.day together in high school. As we have gotten older, we've spent less and less time together but we are still very much a part of eachother's lives. We get caught up when we can.

Monday was full of good food, laughs, an old homemade video, a little bit of gossip and lots of memories. Only one nearly disasterous moment when I spilled my margarita allllll over the counter. It headed straight for Summer's blackberry and Sarah's answering machine. From my experience electronics and liquids don't mix well. I calmly turned to Jessica and asked her to take Lucy from me so I could clean up my mess. I'm thankful that I didn't have the outward panicky reaction that I was having on the inside. Lucy may have taken her first (and hopefully only) flight across the room, the stool I was sitting on wouldv'e gone straight through the sliding glass door and I'm pretty sure someone wouldv'e ended up with a black eye.

It was a great afternoon and I hope we can turn it into an annual event. They are a great group of women and I am blessed beyond measure.
Not Picture/unable to attend: Vanessa, Janelle, Stephanie

Monday, September 7, 2009

Not So Little Little Things

No one ever wants to feel sick, especially when they are at work. Tonight I wasn't feeling up to par whatsoever. I had the chills, a scratchy throat and my head felt like it was going to explode. I curled up in my chair with my sweatshirt on and a blanket covering me...praying for the clock to magically turn to 7am. It felt like some kind of torture. I am NEVER sick. I didn't want to sound like a crybaby but all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in my bed.

The only thing that kept me going were the sweet emails from Jared. He knew I wasn't feeling good so he offered to bring me some soup and orange juice. The very offer was enough to make me all teary eyed (I'm such a girl sometimes..ugh). As touched as I was by the offer, I just couldn't bring myself to accept it. I am the one that is used to taking care of others.
The truth was I wanted him to bring me soup and orange juice and I wanted a hug from him in the worst way. It took me well over an hour a little while to humble myself enough to accept his offer. I don't know why it was so hard for me to just say yes. Maybe because it was after midnight. Maybe because I didn't want to inconvenience him. Maybe I just felt too proud to accept such a generous offer. OR maybe it is because I look scary beyond all reason on night shift w/ absolutely no make-up on. I don't really know.. but I am so glad I did.

The chills, headache and scratchy throat have since subsided and the orange juice and chicken noodle soup really hit the spot. I forgot how yummy they are. I never knew two little things could make such an impact on me. I realized once again how blessed I am to have Jared in my life. He brings me so much joy and always makes me laugh. He's tolerant when I accidentally scratch him or hit him with a chair (sorry again about that) or when I charbroil just about everything I cook for him. I am one lucky girl indeed!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Attention Management

I've lived in my little apartment for something like 3 years. Maybe a little longer. I haven't minded it so much. It is my domain, my space, my home. I haven't thought much about buying a house because well, let's face it, the money isn't there. I'm mostly ok with that until I get notices on my door from management saying they will be entering my home on such and such day at this particular time. Sorry people, I don't have your typical 9-5, Monday thru Friday job. I work nights. While you are sleeping, I am working. I don't work 8 hours, I work 12. I don't have weekends off.

I got a notice on my door @4pm today saying they will be entering my partment on Tuesday to spray for cockroaches. She put a note on the bottom saying she knows my apartment doesn't have them but one of the surrounding ones does. I appreciate the preventitive measure for sure. But really? It's Saturday afternoon on Labor Day weekend for crying out loud. Exactly when am I supposed to find the time to clean out every cupboard I have and put everything out on my tiny kitchen table when I work for the next 4 nights???

Not to mention finding a temporary home for my cats because we have to stay out for 2-4 hours. Then I get to come home, open everything up and use fans to clear the haze. Then my favorite part.. wiping everything down and washing it all! I'm really looking forward to washing every towel, every sheet, vacuuming (again) and scrubbing counters, sinks and bathtubs for the second time this week.

I guess the positive side is that because I don't own the place, I don't have to pay for the bug people to come out. I also get to do the spring cleaning I have been sorta wanting to do. Its just not the same when it is forced upon you. I wonder if it would bother them if I handed them a bill for the cost of laundry, cleaning supplies and labor..

I'm sure all you moms out there are laughing at me. This is probably your life every week. Minus the toxic bug spray.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Would you like some Reunion with your Humidity?

Just as fast as I had thought, my high school reunion has come and gone. THANK GOD! It wasn't terrible but it wasn't the best time I've ever had. It was... awkward.. to say the least.

I felt like I was 17 again and getting ready for prom. I had the jitters pretty bad and my stomach was not a happy camper. Dress, check. Hair done, check. Make-up done, check. All the while the clock slowly ticked towards the hour of 5:00pm. I tagged along with my bestie and her hubs. I basically begged Jess via text message to take me with them. I was terrified a little nervous about showing up alone and having not one person to talk to. Thank goodness my partner in crime let me be their third wheel! (PS doesnt she look way cute!)

La Jolla was absolutely beautiful. Sunset, the beach, the smell of the ocean. Then you stepped out of your vehicle and you were smacked in the face with humidity. Hot, steamy, sticky, sweaty humidity. Had I known it was going to be like that I wouldn't have spent so much time getting ready. Heck, why even shower? As if the nerves of the evening didn't have you sweating enough, the weather made it just that much more enjoyable to hug the other sweaty people you hadn't seen in 10 years.

No really, it was a good time!

A cup of water couldn't be found for miles. Simply a cup to fill up in the bathroom couldn't be found for that matter. Call me cheap but I wasn't so stoked about having to pay a little over $2 for a bottle of water. WATER. There was a whole ocean right by us that I couldv'e gotten some for free (ignore the fact that it is salt water). Costco run anyone? A 36 pack of water is only $4 there.

We arrived and to our horror we were greeted by name tags with our not so flattering Senior Pictures. We breezed past the few Ra Ra's (cheerleader types) and Jocks and made a B-Line for the girls we rolled with in High School. It was great to see them and it reminded me why I actually enjoyed my high school days. Little drama and non-stop fun. They are fantastic women and I am so very proud of each of them. Sadly only 4 of us from the group were there but we are planning our own little reunion on Labor Day.

I have to say one of the highlights of the evening (besides the girl showing up in shorts and a tank top OR watching a guy steal a bottle of wine from the bar) was seeing Lori. Lori and I were in Play Productions together our senior year. Hands down one of the funniest people I've ever met and I love reading her blog. It felt like "oh my god.. its the Lori B." The one that keeps me in sticthes for days by the things she writes! I felt like I would be papparazzi if I had taken a picture of/with her. That's probably the inner 12 year old talking though. I'm sure she wouldn't have minded.

There were the few people that would give you the polite head nod or the "hey how's it going" followed by very awkward silence, an awkward glance then you would part ways in hopes of not running into them for the rest of the night. Others would act like they knew you back in the day when you know deep down they have no clue who you are. They are just standing close enough to read the stupid name tag so they can search their brain for a memory of you. I think I saw a total of 3 people on the dance floor dancing to the music from 1999.. uh yeah.. its not popular music anymore for a reason.

I have to say though that the food was G-O-O-D. Not that I got a big taste of the juicy steak. The serving lady took me quite literally when I said I wanted a tiny piece. Yep, my one inch by one in square of steak was fantastic!

All that said, I don't regret going. I had so much fun talking to the few people I did want to see. It was interesting to see how people had changed. Or in many cases, see how they hadn't changed. (a.k.a the girl that was stumbling around drunk off her tuckus). Thankfully I have 10 years to decided if I want to go to the next one. FYI ex Senior Pres RHS Class of 99.. no 15 yr reunion is required or wanted and please please PLEASE.. PUHHLEeeez have some water readily available that is included in the $75 ticket price :)