This has got to be the hardest day in training right? The first day... going from nothing to running/walking was tougher than I thought. I figured: 5 minute warm up, alternating 60 seconds running, 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes then a 5 minute cool down, piece of cake! Reality check.. not as easy as it sounds. The first couple minutes was easy and I thought " wow, see I can do this!" Then I keep going for a few minutes " whew.. this is getting a little harder". About 3/4 of the way through it I thought " what in the world was I thinking!?" I was so far into that I absolutely refused to give up. And I didn't! I finished 1.92 miles. Not too shabby for a rookie. I feel good about it. I feel like it was a good work out and I didn't over do it.
I am making great progress on the second baby blanket! I am over half way done. I have about 10 days to get it done. I can't lose momentum now.
I have a couple days left in a 5 day shift at work. So many people ask me if it is a stressful job. I guess it can be but there are quite a few calls that end up being funny and a great story. Here's one from early this morning:
Me: "Fire, Medical Emergency"
Reporting Party (RP): Hello?
Me: Hi this is the fire department, what is your emergency
RP: Hello?
Me: Sir, this is the fire department, what is your emergency
RP: Hello?
Me: Sir, can your hear me?
RP: well, yes!
Me: Ok, what is the emergency?
RP: well, Im clammy
Me: Clammy?
RP: yes! and I have pain in my chest. I suffer from Ang.. uh ang.. you know.. that thing in your chest
Me: Angina? (pronounced an-j-i-na)
RP: ya! that's it! and I took one of those pills. those little ones.
Me: Nitro?
RP: Yes!
Me: Did it help?
RP: Well, no. Should I take another one?
Me: probably not. What is your address?
RP: Im getting to that.
Me: Ok..
It is a never ending guessing game being a dispatcher. But it keeps life fun and entertaining. I really do love my job! Non stop fun.
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